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intangible //

Unable to touch; not having physical presence; impalpable; bodiless; immaterial; quality.


everyday //

Happening daily; routine; unconscious; habit; mundane; seemingly insignificant.

archive //

Collection of documents or records; a process of collecting; listing; chronicle; catalogue.

notation //

A series or system of written symbols; footnotes; memos; a code; instructional.

temporal //

Time based; fleeting; transient; momentary; impermanent.

intimacy //

Closeness; familiarity; affinity; warmth.

experience //

To encounter or undergo; contact with; observation of; to feel; to know; to endure.

gesture //

A movement of part of a body; motion; movement; indication; signal.

movement //

A change or development; motion; action; gesture.

body //

The physical structure; give material form to the abstract; frame; shape; form.

tension //

Stretched tight; rigid; strained; stress; anxiety; suspense.

intervention //

The action or process of intervening; interference; intrusion; interject; interrupt.

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